Thursday, November 18, 2010

Picking the site of a temple

Precise determine each step. The goddess of measurement presided during the stretching of the rope ceremony. The four corners are determined by  four stars in the sky. The king oversaw the digging of the four corners and the laying of the four corners bricks the king puts sand over them.

Temples Layout

Most temples have three main sections, one lead into another. The first section was an open court yard. next section was a roofed in room where nobles made offerings. The last room had a statue of  that temples god or goddess. the statue was made of bronze and covered in gold or silver.

Abi symbe carved in a mountin

Abi symbe was built by king Ramses the II. The temple was carved into the side of mountain it is 200ft in the mountain side. The temple had a sires of small rooms to get to the sanctuary. Abi symbe was place so that one day in autumn and winter so that light would shine all the way to the sanctuary

Tempels were built from what?

first temples were built from reed and mud then, they got built from stone or carved. Stone temples were built to mimic nature columns were carved to look like a bundle of reeds top of columns were carved to be like a lotus flower, temples were painted brilliant colors they were a breath taking sight.  The Egyptians believed that the temples were homes the the gods.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Were the tempels bult for you?

Tempels usally were built to honnor a god or goddess that shows that they respect of fear the gods. They built thim as spirital guides for kings of qeens.  they couldnt always be at the tempels so they hade a high priest and they made ofering to the gods or godess they did it to be monarchs in the after life.The oferings were mumified animals such as cats and dogs.